Frequently Asked Question

Please describe in general way, the support & assistance provided.
Last Updated 4 years ago

We provide Customers with free, unlimited support to Super Users. We strongly encourage Customers to dedicate a limited number of Super Users which will have access to our support, in order to avoid having requests from users not authorized to make them on behalf of the Customers.

We also provide assistance for customer set-up. This, free of charge time is proportionate to the size of the Customer’s account and generally allocates sufficient time to help the Customer setup the basics of their company or organization. This includes creating the company’s org chart, creating the approval policies and other related tasks. Depending on the situation, we can also make available a copy of the Customer’s account on a sandbox server for a predetermined period of time. The sandbox server enables the Super Users of the Customer to create and test capex requests in an isolated environment and fine tune the settings such as the approval flow and policies, without the fear of modifying any data of the Customer.

Almiranta can provide additional support such as data entry (ex: entering past years of capex requests) for a reasonable fee. Prior to any undertaking, Almiranta will provide a detailed proposition to the Customer, outlining the costs and timeline.

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